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Récap May in a Nutshell

Our news round-up!


Nicolas Hildenbrand at the GPHG

We are proud to announce that for the second consecutive year, our founder Nicolas Hildenbrand will be part of the Grand Prix d'Horlogerie de Genève - GPHG and proceed with the watch selection of the Grand Prix. 🏆



A Privileged Conversation

Discover the exclusive interview with our founder Nicolas Hildenbrand in the latest issue of Europa Star Globale! Nicolas shared his valuable thoughts on the watch industry, and his experience is sure to give us a valuable perspective.🔥

Nicolas Hildenbrand


Aline Chacon joins our dynamic team

We are pleased to welcome Aline Chacón, who is currently preparing her degree thesis at the HEIG-VD within our marketing department! Outside of work, she is an avid volleyball player. She also enjoys board games, dancing, and brain-teaser puzzles. She is a positive person and is always ready to take on new challenges with a smile and determination 😉


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